Monthly Archives: August 2015

Madame Pickles

Hello, Lorraine here, Harriet’s mum.
For the last couple of weeks I have been psyching myself up for the jam and chutney making season.
I love scavenging the fruit and vegetables, I’m no gardener and make use of any glut my friends are willing to pass onto me and foraged fruit found while walking my puppy, Flint.


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Printing birthday kisses

The courgettes that are the size of marrows say it all – an extreme lack of gardening. A big storm, sunshine but a drop in temperature. A couple of cool crisp refreshing mornings which personally I like a lot. Winnie seems to agree and had been running laps around the garden relishing a breath of cooler air.


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Getting our groove on

The sunflower heads are the size of dinner plates and stand towering above us – giants of flowers; the hollyhocks look intimidated. Eyes squinting in the sun to look at them. The bees buzzing in and out of the yellow glow.


Continue reading Getting our groove on