Tag Archives: Cookery

We’ve sunk

It’s official, it’s winter. All my gang have been poorly with seasonal lurgies and it’s snowed! The morning we woke up to the snow there was lots of yelling and excitement. There wasn’t much but Nick managed to get out in the garden and throw a few snow balls before school and Winnie our greyhound ran her laps with extra gusto.

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our best bits

Our last blog night of the year and we’ve rounded up some pics. 23 little trees 2015……


M: I’ve never seen anyone sooo excited about planting leeklets! I spose that is one of the best things about working with Hal this year; revisiting the wonder and enthusiasm I’d lost on the long solo slog…

Hal: The day I fell in love with leeks. The only issue I have with this photo is I look like I’ve been let out of an institution….

Continue reading our best bits

Vegetable matters…

Many years before moving to France I was lucky enough to be offered the birthday gift of a weekend in Paris. The friends who took me were staying with some terribly chic Parisiens in a beautiful suburb ( the name, ah age, escapes me now,) somewhere on the way to Fontainebleau. We arrived in the early evening, were shown to our rooms and invited to wash up before meeting in the garden for dinner. The gorgeous house, ( I seem to remember our host was an architect,) and then the amazing walled enchantment of a garden had me feeling just a mite overwhelmed and more than a little out of my depth. Continue reading Vegetable matters…

….and then the sun came out

After a bit of a gloomy week we did what we knew we had to do – get muddy!

Mandy protected the rhubarb and celeriac from the cold. The straw from the greenhouse that was snug around the tomatoes and peppers toes was moved out to guard our loot from the frost.

The first celery of the season was cut and enjoyed, tomatoes picked and beetroot the size of footballs were pulled – oops, as were some weeds.

Continue reading ….and then the sun came out